Monday, June 20, 2011

Today the adventure was in Philadelphia, PA the birthplace of our wonderful country. We got to see the Liberty Bell. There I stood as close to the bell as I could get without getting arrested. Then there is the photo of the two of us standing in front of Independence Hall. Next the photo of the legislative chamber where the debates took place and votes that lead to bold and risky move of declaring independence. It was in that hall that the delegates signed both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It was in that very chair the George Washington sat as the Constitution that has been the framework of everything about our lives was being crafted. And finally, the last photo is of a re-creation of the second story room where Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence. Too cool. And it was especially cool for me to realize that given my experience as an "elected" had I been privileged to have been involved I would have spoken often and passionately. We loved our experiences today. Richard

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