Friday, August 19, 2011

We started our day by going to the Golden Spike Tower adjacent to the Bailey Railroad Yard in North Platte, NE - the largest railroad yard in the world. It was super cool and now we know why we have seen so many trains yesterday and today.
Our next adventure was following our GPS on a road that should have been a shorter distance to our destination - trouble was, we ended up on several dirt roads, going through farmland in the hills. Ann was not too impressed. So we changed the setting on the GPS to faster time and got back on the paved roads.
Then we stopped in the coolest little village of Lewellen,NE population 282. We visited their town hall and got to see their council chambers - a little smaller than I was used to; but it would seem to limit audience participation (complaints from the same people all of the time.) The town hall was 12' wide and the library next door was also 12' wide.  The library hours were:  Tuesday 9-12 and Friday 2-5.
The next photo is of Chimney Rock which was a major landmark for California, Oregon and Mormon pioneers as well as Pony Express. Tonight we are in Scottsbluff, NE

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